Alex Weiss
English 4 Stamos
Oedipus the King Study Guide #1
Dr. Friedlander's "Enjoying Oedipus the King."
A. The Folk Tale
1. What does the name Oedipus mean? Oedipus means swollen feet.
2. Who are Oedipus's parents? Oedipus parents are Laius and Jocasta.
3. What terrible prophecy were the parents given about their child? The prophecy was that the boy would grow up kill his father and marry his mother.
4. What did Oedipus's parents do with him at birth? They left him in the wilderness, pierced his feet and tied his legs together.
5. How does Oedipus become the adopted child of the king and queen of Corinth? They couldnt have a baby of there own so they adopted him.
6. What knowledge is kept from Oedipus? Nobody ever told him that his mom was never pregnant.
7. When oedipus approaches the oracles about his heritage what prophecy do they give him? They all told him that he would kill his father and marry his mother.
8. Why does Oedipus leave Corinth? He left to thwart the oracles.
9. How does Oedipus unknowingly kill his father? By getting into an argument with a stranger and killing him, who was unknowingly to him his father?
10. What exactly is the riddle of the Sphinx? The riddle is what animal has four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs in the evening and the answer is a human?
11. What is Oedipus rewarded for saving Thebes from the monster Sphinx? He marries his dead husbands spouse.
12. What happens to Jocasta and Oedipus when they find out the truth about their union? Jocasta commits suicide and Oedipus blinds himself and becomes a nomadic begger.
13. What is the moral of this folk tale? Evan if you try to stop your destiny you wont succeed.
Oedipus the King Study Guide#2
B. Predestination
1. What is Friedlander's definition of "predestination?"-It means if something was going to happen, it would happen and there was nothing you could do about it or to change it.
2. Who are today's money making predestinates?-Money making physics who use vague descriptions.
3. What group of people uses the idea of predestination to help them be brave?-The group of people are soldiers just before going into battle.
4. Name two other literary works where predestination is a strong theme?-Some literary works with a strong theme is "Troilus and Cressida" and "The Knight's Tale".
Oedipus the king
Oedipus the King Study Guide #3 Due Monday 9-15
1. What was Sophocles purpose for adapting this folk tale into a play? He did it so he could compete in an annual play righting contest that had prizes and was a major occasion.
2. What is Sophocles strength as a writer according to Friedlander? He uses observations of life and makes characters seem like real individuals.
3. What are the Latin and Greek titles of this play? The titles are Oedipus Rex and Oedipus Tyrannous.
4. What is the Greek term for king and what does this denote? Tyrannous means tyrant, which means someone who rules without consent of the people.
6. Why do the people believe Oedipus can conquer the plague? He has done a good job as king and they know he saved a town by solving the sphinxs riddle.
7. Who does Oedipus send to the oracle of the god Apollo at Delphi? He sends Creon.
8. What promise does Oedipus make to the people of Thebes? He promises to do whatever the oracle says.
9. What "good news" does Creon return with as a prophecy from the oracles? He says Apollo will end the plague if the killer of Lais is found and banished.
10. When the lone witness to the crime of Laius's murder arrives to Thebes why does he lie about a "gang of robbers" killing the king? He doesnt want to tell everyone that there own king did it.
11. What proclamation does Oedipus make to try to unearth the killer/killers of Laius? He says that the person who reveals the killer will be rewarded and if the killer confesses he will only have to leave the city.
12. Who does the chorus suggest that Oedipus should bring in to help find out who the killer is? They say that Apollo should come right out and reveal the killer.
13. Why does the blind prophet refuses to tell what he knows? He doesnt want to tell the king that he is the murderer.
14. After Oedipus gets angry with the prophet what does the prophet divulge? That he is the murderer.
15. Why does the chorus not believe the prophets words? They believe in the king.
16. What does Oedipus accuse Creon of? Hes accused of planning a coup.
17. What is Creon's response to these accusations? Being a king is too hard, hes well liked, has better things to do, have political influence, and has everything he needs.
18. Who saves Creon from execution? Jocasta saves Creon.
19. What proof does Jocasta offer as proof that the prophecy is false? She says its better not to ask about things that make trouble.
20. What part of the proof incriminates Oedipus? A witness does it.
21. What do we learn from Oedipus about his part in the killing of Laius? He was there and he got mad after he was clubbed and his foot was run over.
22. Oedipus decides to banish himself but is stopped by the chorus and is told to wait until who arrives? He is told to wait for the messenger.
23. What good news comes from Corinth? The king has died and Oedipus is chosen to be the new king.
24. The messenger from Corinth reveals the answer to what secret to Oedipus? He doesnt have to worry about how he killed his father.
25. What does Laius shepherd reveal to Oedipus and Jocasta? That he saw Laiuses death and Oedipus is adopted.
26. What does Jocasta do after receiving the information from the shepherd? She commits suicide.
27. What is Oedipus's physical reaction? He makes himself blind.
28. How does Oedipus become the physical embodiment of the answer to the riddle of the Sphynx? He is a human and he is blind.
29. Who becomes the king of Thebes? Creon is the king.
30. Who are only fortunate ones according to the chorus? The people who know the truth are fortunate.